Wittichen Supply Company

Albertville Store #18

Casey Vincent, Mgr.
Email Address

501 Railroad Avenue

Albertville, AL 35950-1484

Store Numbers:

Sales: 256-878-0381

Fax: 256-878-0623

After Hours: 256-744-1400


Store Hours:

M-F: 7:00AM – 4:30PM

Sat: 8:00AM – 12:00PM* *(Summer Months Only)

Wittichen Supply in Albertville was the eighteenth branch to open in May of 2000. We have a fully staffed inside sales team dedicated to customer service, along with dependable deliveries. Proud to service Marshall, Blount, and Dekalb Counites 24-7.

Outside Sales:

Shane Fore: 256-302-4510