Wittichen Supply Company

Dothan Store #9

Nathan Spann, Mgr.
Email Address

458 Bic Road

Dothan, AL 36303-5868

Store Numbers:

Sales: 334-794-4325

Fax: 334-794-4325

After Hours: 334-596-1963


Store Hours:

M-F: 7:00AM – 5:00PM

Sat: 8:00AM – 12:00PM* *(Summer Months Only)

Wittichen Supply Company’s Dothan branch has been in operation since the spring of 1987. After the Retirement of Bill Pippin in October 2008, Nathan Spann accepted the reigns of store manager in November 2008. Among nine employees we have 117 years of experience in the HVAC and Refrigeration Industry. In addition, we have a fully stocked inventory and three delivery trucks; in which we are able to meet the vast needs of our growing customer base in three states. Almost Twenty-Five years later the Dothan branch is still in operation.

Outside Sales:

  • All
    Phillip Martin: 334-718-2556